Magic Mushrooms

Buy Dried Psilocybin Mushrooms Today

Psilocybin mushrooms are not just recreational – although if you were looking for something special to take on your camping trip, you’re in the right place. Psilocybin mushrooms boast a wide range of therapeutic uses, and these uses only increase the more we learn about these special shrooms. Read on to learn more about nature’s best psychedelic and don’t forget to browse our selection of the best shroom strains.

Buy Magic Mushrooms Online In Australia

Magic Mushrooms have been around for thousands of years and are made up of over 180 species that produce the psychoactive compounds psilocybin and psilocin. Studies have shown that shrooms have a positive and lasting effects on our mental health. It’s been used to treat mental conditions such as chronic anxiety, clinical depression and addiction.

At higher doses, shrooms will alter your perception of reality, taking you on a spiritual journey that’s simply out of this world. At lower doses, you’ll enjoy a boost in your mood, mental sharpness and creativity.

People take magic mushrooms for all sorts of reasons. Whatever your reason, we’ve got you covered with our large selection of psilocybin mushroom strains to suit every occasion.

Popular magic mushroom strains include Golden Teachers, Blue Meanie, Arenal Volcano, Amazonian, and Penis Envy shrooms.

How To Take Magic Mushrooms

Magic Mushrooms” have long, slender stems which some times appear white or greyish topped by caps with dark gills on the underside.

Dried mushrooms are usually a reddish rust brown color with isolated areas of off-white. Mushrooms are ingested orally and may be made into a tea or mixed into other foods. buy shrooms online.

The mushrooms may be used as fresh or dried product. Psilocybin has a bitter, unpalatable taste.

Liquid psilocybin is another way of taking magic mushrooms. It’s made by extracting psilocybin, the naturally occurring psychedelic drug found in mushrooms like liberty caps, and is a clearish pale brown colour. It comes in vials (small bottles). magic mushroom spores

Dosing Magic Mushrooms

Trip Level 1: Happy go luckyRecommended dosage: 0.8 – 1 g. dried mushrooms

The effects are mild and similar to being high on weed. Music starts to feel better, strangers seem more friendly and the mind is able to lose some control.

You could have mild visual enhancements or some sound distortion, but these will be subtle.

Trip Level 2: Beginner’s paradise Recommended dosage: 1 – 1.5 g. dried mushrooms

Consistent sensorial accentuation, colors becoming brighter and a light body high. Level 2 can be a more intense form of Trip Level 1, but with the right dosage it can be something more.

It will be harder to concentrate and communicate and you will notice an increase in creativity along with an enhanced sensation, lightness and euphoria.

Trip Level 3: Classic psychedelic tripRecommended dosage: 1.5 – 3 g. dried mushrooms 

Trip Level 3 is great for beginners who want to jump in the “real” psychedelic experience, without overdoing the dosage.

This level is where visual hallucinations along with the appearance of patterns and fractals will be evident, Buy dried mushrooms Australia.

No more hinting or subtle flashes of visuals, it’s happening for real.

Distortions in the aptitude to measure the passage of time, might cause an 1 hour to feel like an eternity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

Level 4: Flying with the stars

Recommended dosage: 3 – 4 g. dried mushrooms Strong hallucinations take over: a psychedelic flood of shapes, contours and colors will blend together and hit the shores of your consciousness. There’s no stopping the waves in Level 4. There will be some moments when you will lose touch reality

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